Monday, September 26, 2005

My Muse Only Likes Gang Bangs

So, just to update you, Money said no. There will be no glorious wedding. Money does not love me. *sigh*

I'm currently trying to work past a block I seem to have. You see, I love to write, and have some awesome (in my opinion) ideas. But whenever I start a project, it always seems to grind to a halt as I lose steam.

About 9 months ago, I pitched one of my story ideas to a friend of mine, a man named Craig. Now Craig is an accomplished writer, having written for the CBC, both radio and television. I have the utmost respect for his accomplishments, and have always been somewhat in awe of his capabilities. I hesitated to tell him my idea, because I wanted him to work with me, and I was afraid he'd say no. I had come close in the past to pitching other ideas to him, but always chickened out.

Anyway, Craig loved the concept, and was very interested in working with me. Turns out, he had actually wanted to work with me. Imagine my surprise. We've been working on the script idea ever since, and I absolutely love our brainstorming sessions. I have learned a great deal from him about writing, and am dying to learn more.

Since then, I have tried working on my own. I currently have 3 great script ideas that I have put to paper. But each time, I get stuck somewhere. For whatever reason, the ideas seem to dry up, and it starts to feel like I am forcing myself to work. Now, I know from past situations, once I feel like this I have to stop. If I keep pounding away, I get angry and resentful, and end up hating the project.

So I'm starting to wonder ... maybe I need brainstorming sessions? I know for a fact that the best comedy sketches I have ever written have been as a result of brainstorming with others. I guess its not a bad thing to require brainstorming, because it definitely improves the quality of my work. It would just be nice if I could create on my own, too.

My hope is that, with practice and application, my solo work will improve. We'll have to see. Until then, I thank God that I have the level of creativity I do, because it means more to me than pretty much anything else under the sun.

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