Tuesday, September 27, 2005


So, recently, someone asked "What is the Hokey Pokey really all about?" I have researched this question extensively. I found this answer on a website about Satanism, taken from texts printed in 1844:
Expedient Spelle For Summation and Controle of Hydeous Demone:

First, taketh thee the right arm of a virgin childe, and placeth it within the Defiled Circle.
Then, removeth thee the right arm from the Defiled Circle.
Taketh thee the right arm of a virgin child and placeth it within the Defiled Circle.
Shaketh thee the arm. All about.
Sayeth "Ho' hahk eE poh-Qui", and turneth thyself about.
Yeah, verily, that is what it is all about.

Pretty scary shit, eh?


Anonymous said...

What's that translated to?

Jim Donahue said...

Sure, I could believe that about the Electric Slide or the Bunny Hop ... but the Hokey Pokey???

And what is the derivation of "tofap," the so-called word I'm expected to put into the Blogger word-verification system?